I dah pindahhHHHhhh!!! Yayyy!! Suke giler ni!! wakakaka!!
suka la coz I'm moving to a place which I bought myself.. hasil titik peluh I selama ni tau!! (berpeluh ke??..) ahaksss.. before this, live kat rumah sewa tak syiok la, coz it's not my own house. But now, I can do whatever I want to make it as 'My Home My Heaven' :D
But yg tak bestnyer, duit banyak habis ler.. huhu.. buat makeover lagi.. bought furniture lagi.. shopping for isi perut rumah lagi.. pay 'that guy' to add wiring lagi.. painting lagi & macam2 lagi la.. but ok la, coz puas hati coz everything went smoothly according to plan.. the timing just nice :D after this no need to worry about this anymore.. u know what?! This Friday, ada orang nak audit rumah baru I tau.. guess who?!! guess la!! tak nak cakap!! guess la dulu.. heheh..
teng teng teng!! parents I ler.. They'll come here this Friday to check whether I can handle this 'move out move in' thing.. hehe.. But I'm confident this time punyer audit sure I dapat 'A' heheh.. coz I think I did quite a good job!! (with the help of my 2 younger brothers. TQ!! MuaaHHhh!!) I'm sure they will 'terpegun' when they reach here this Friday :D
Ni ada foto sikit.. hehe.. sape2 yg berminat nak buat camni, don't hesitate to call me ya!! I can introduce u to this pakcik :) very reasonable price & 100% satisfaction gua cakap sama luuuUUuuu.. :D
Friends dah tanya bila nak buat house warming.. hehe.. sabo sket yer.. nanti after christmas insyaAllah I buat.. coz kena plan betul2.. ramai yg nak kena jemput.. kawan2 kerja, kawan2 universiti & sekolah, kawan2 gym & jiran2 tetangga.. so kena la buat banyak & different kind of house warming kan.. tak gitu??.. so friends (yg ada baca blog I ni..), be patient ya!! I'll invite u all ok!! :D
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
akak! sangat bestnye rumah akak! siap ada shiling2 lagi, mmg renovate abis ni... tu br tjk shiling, yg lain2 kena see for ourselves ka? hihihi... ayat nk jemputan ;) kagumla dgn akak... nanti kite jumpa byk soalan nk ditanya ni, bersediala, hehehe... =)
hehe.. jgn cakap camtu.. biase je ma.. ni pun tak habis kemas & decorate lagi.. slow2 hehe.. pasal no time :D
don't worry, I'll invite u nanti ya!! I tak invite pun bleh datang jugak ahakss.. :P
make sure u invite me hoh! mau tengok whole house decor la. take some photos show us a bit la. hehhee
hehe.. sure i'll invite u.. but nanti ler :)
photo ar?.. hmm.. see urself baru syiookkkk!! :P
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