It's coming yo!! WhatTT??!! What's coming??!! :P
I've signed up a bodyjam training & it will be this coming 7th, 8th & 9th (Sunday, Monday & Tuesday).
Why I sign up??!! urrmm.. let me see.. hmm.. tak nak cakap la kenapa!! hehe.. :P
On the 8th is raya haji, & my parents will be here. So kind of sad a little bit coz cannot be with them during that day. But my parents said it's ok coz before this I ask for their permission & blessing first. At first, my dad said "depa tak boleh buat training hari lain ka??.." hehe.. that's my dad.. but finally he's ok with that coz he know her daugter is very stubborn. No matter how he larang me also, I still want it kekeke.. My mum, when I told her about this, terus dia agree without banyak soal hehe.. that's my mum!! always trust me & my judgement :D MuAAaaHHHH!!
U know what?! the 1st day of the training is my special day!! hehe.. why special??!! hehe.. ader ler hikhikhik!! :D
Actually, I have no idea what to expect during the training. Mesti susah kan??!! Macam ngeri je bila fikir pasal this & I know it's not easy to pass the training. How many people joining also I have no idea. huhu..
But I'm so lucky coz there's people out there who really support me. Thanks ya!! I really appreciate it!! Because u all, I have the courage to sign up hehe.. I wanna put those names yg really have encouraged me to do this. They are... teng teng teng!!
A big of applause goes to.... hehehe..
Best friend at gym (Kwan, KS, Aunty Nina & Eva), Kak Shirlyn (she's the one who encourage me to take the training since Bodyjam 45 lagi.. hehe..), Kak Leo (u have given me a new spirit yo!!.. eheh.. rasa mcm gaban pulak!! & tq very much for your support ya!! MuaaaaHHH!!). Ni training belum start tapi ucapan panjang giler wakakaka!! tak kire!! I nak cakap jugak!! sound's like bad gurl huh.. :P & also to Barney coz of those motivations, Jenny for the advice yesterday, Su Yee & Annie who keep updating me about the training.
Other than that, tq also to Su Lin, Clarissa, Jason, Prudent, Jade, Kak Azyei & others who yg maybe I lupa nak state nama kat sini :)
I'll try to do my best la hor.. see what's the result after that!! :)
Things that worried the most for this training:
1. My weight
2. My body shape (especially bahagian hips.. punggung I agakkKk besar ler.. hikhikhik.. anugerah Tuhan hehe..)
Advice that I need now:
1. What else to bring for the training
2. My dance movement.. is it ok?? which area to improve??
3. What's the master trainer expectation??
& banyak lagi soalan yg I dah tak ingat.. huhu..
So.. now I wanna be a 'HAPPY FEET'.. a big species who 'tak hengat dunia' when dancing wakakakaak!!!
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
wah wah wah really panjang speech sini hehe.
don worry too much and be yourself. do the best k.
eh dancing doesnt matter of body size. as long as ur punggung boleh shake shake shake then ok liao. haha. u boleh shake and dance mar!
what to prepare?
enough changing clothes, jacket (u might cold in studio when theory part), energy recharge food like banana or energy drinks (try Gatorade), first day bring cd player if u have, pen and paper to note down. last but not least rest well enough for the 3 long days!!
hehehe... tq tq tq!!
true true.. body size tak kisah coz itu penguin 'happy feet' dance cantik jer wakakaka!!
but now worry sikit coz sore throat & rasa mcm nak demam ler.. huh.. hope I'll be fine tomorrow :)
now baru tau why u said this sunday is ur bid day!!! wakakka birthday on training first day. cool. and very memorable one.
u better rest these 2 days!! don go gym anymore. drink more water.
hey there. may i know how much you have paid for the training cause i'm planning to attend the next one. must start saving d
heheee... most welcome dear! punggung besarrr??? *hiyakk dishhhh!!!* (u ingat punggung i kecik kerrrrrrr...)
badan besau takpe... Kylie has said to me before... Bodyjam is the only program that 'size doesn't matter'. buttttt.... being humans, ppl always has their own perspective, 'beauty' will always be an issue... so... for the 'big girls' (like us.. ehemmm..), we need to work harder to improve ourselves and prove to those shallow minded ppl that these big girls jam better than them! hahhaha....
Kak Shirlyn: TQ ya!!
Anonymous: I'm not sure how much coz it depends on the currency, plus they deduct it from my credit card. anyway, u can always e-mail me if u wanna know the details ya!! by the way, do I know u?? :)
Kak Leo: ya ya.. betul apa u cakap tu!! hehe.. Arnold said the same thing too!! He said if we go to US, the hot hot dancers got big big hips wakakaka.. looks sexy (this what he said tau.. I tak cakap, I agree je hehe..) :D
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