Words can't describe how happy I am now. Not really for passing the bodyjam training, but coz of the GREAT & memorable experience that I went through for the last 3 days. It was really fun & crazy!!
The trainer is Arnold Warren, a Philipines guy. He was great & always look good at what he do. I was really inspired by him!! He said there should be one more trainer but she couldn't make it coz of flu. I knew it!! Fetty, the bodyjam trainer from Indonesia. I really wanna meet her, coz before this I just see her in those instructor's photo in facebook. But what to do.. takde rezeki ler. Arnold said maybe I can see her at the next quarterly workshop :)
With Master Sifu, Arnold :D
With Shiffana.. always make me laugh & she's from Maldives! :D
I've learned a lot!!. But I know, this training is not enough for me to become an instructor, coz there's a lot more to do. & I have to work harder to reach that level. Still far yo!! But I'm looking forward for that!! :)
OK.. OK.. u wanna know what happen during the training right?!
First day, the master class. Fuyyoohh!! Happy that I can do the whole class with the Master Sifu (Arnold) where the members are all 'power2' bodyjam instructors. Really feel their energy & passion yo!! Then after that the theory part. Each of us were given tracks to present the next day. I got track no. 11 (Shut Up & Let Me Go) from the freakin' fakin' house combo. Got the jungle knee & barrel roll jump yo!!
The 2nd day, time for presentation. We have to present it on stage yo!! Fuyyoohh!! Dah mula nervous ni!! hehe.. Arnold said no need to give a perfect cues coz it's our first time. U know what?! I feel good la on the stage hahaha!! & I got a good feedback from Arnold & he did give me suggestion for improvement coz we need to present the same track again in the afternoon huahuahua... but this time with the cues. (He did record my whole presentation.. I should have copied it from him huh..)
Before the 2nd day training ends, he assign us another new track for the final presentation. I got track no.7 from the Samba De Janeiro combo. I got the new track while everybody else got the track that has been presented. Ok lor & got latin jump somemore hiiaaakkkk!!! I was hoping to get the hip hop track coz I love it!! But somebody else ler got it. The training ends quite early so we have more time to practice in front of the mirrors. That day, I slept at 2am practicing my tracks coz during the time at the gym, I sibuk2 pegi practice orang lain punyer track.. PADAN MUKA!! But they ask my help mar.. mestila tolong, plus I like their track wakakaka!!
3rd day (last day of training), starts with the theory part & the technique session then presentation. This part I likeeeeee the most!!! Why?! Why?! Why?! hehehehe...
I got the 2nd track of the Samba de jeneiro combo, which i need to continue from the 1st track. Guess what??!! Master sifu, Arnold said he will do the 1st track with me on the stage & then will let me do my track on my own. WooHoooo!! I feel very honoured for that!! Suker gilerrrrr!!! wakakakaak!!! & it was really fun!!! The feedback session.. good feedback but there's still many areas for me to improve.
Then we got Bodyjam Challenge & party time on the stage!!! :D
With all of them during luch time :D
Result time!! I PASS AS TRAINEE!!! Yayyyy!!! Suker Suker Suker!!! Alhamdulillah!! & Arnold did give me some advice & motivation for me to continue this journey. TQ very much ya!!! Muaaahhhh!! After photo session (tangkap gambar tak hengat!!) we all went dinner at Midvalley but before that I send Master Sifu, Arnold to his place at KL.
Overall, it was a memorable experience for me & I'll keep working hard for this :D
There's a lot lot lot work to do now!!! WoooHooooo!!!
Eheh!! What's this??!! isk isk isk!! :P
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
Eeeeeee!!! CONGRATTSSS LEHHHHHHHHH...... wish i can be in the drill but i have class that day.. wawawawawaw!!!!!
is a good beginning for u and hope u will success. will see u in action soon.
congrats! did all 5 of you pass the training?
jazz2dmax: TQ!! eh! when u all said about the 'drill' thing, i thought he will drill us sampai nak mati.. ish ish.. buat I takut aje :P
Kak Shirlyn: Thanks!! I'll not make it without u!! Muaahhh!! eh what 'will see u in action soon'?? don't make me 'kan cheong' lar!! :P
Anonymous: Thanks!! yeah! 5 of us pass!! yayyy!!
yayy... i got more newbies to 'torture'... huahauhauhaa.....
congrats babe!
Kak Leo: so scary.. huhuhu..
Su Yee: Thanks!! :D
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