Good bye 2008!! & welcome 2009!!
Cepat betul masa ni kan!! Pejam celik.. pejam celik dah 2009!!
Don't ask me about my 2009 resolution.. coz I don't usually practice that!! hehe.. coz I can have any new target or dream whenever I want (tak payah tunggu tahun baru.. coz sometimes lambat sangat nak tunggu hehe..)
Hey!! A lot had happened during this 2008.. got 'zaman gelap' & 'zaman terang'. But 'zaman gemilang'.. not yet!! Bila nak mai, cheq no idea! Will work hard for that & hope it will come true :D
This month, joined a lot of Bodyjam 47 launch!! Super fun yo!! It started with launch at Truefitness Hartamas, then Fitness First IOI Mall, & lastly Fitness First The Curve. Had lots of fun joining it.. although got confusion right & left hehe.. especially at TF Hartamas (coz 1st time doing member's side). But after that dah ok.. but then new problem will arise, to change back to the other side heheheh.. PADAN MUKA!! hahahah!!
With hardcore jammers at Truefitness :D
At IOI.. I bring along my best 'jam gang' hehe..
With the 'hot' jam instructors at Fitness First The Curve. Time nih, I rasa diri I kecik giler hehe.. Bukan kecik saiz tu!! kecik.. kecik.. isk!! tak paham takpe la!! not important.. :P
These few days, did lots of shopping & eating.. & I like it!! hehe.. Bought new camera, laptop (for my younger bro ya! not for me but use my money isk!), home 'things' at IKEA, Nike outfits (tak habis-habis..) & Celine Dion Live in Las Vegas DVD. Fuyyohh.. this DVD I like the most! U know what?! She can really inspired people by just doing what she do the best which is singing. I wanna be like that also!! I mean, inspiring people to believe in themselves!! hehe.. berangan!!
There's also things that I wanna buy, but tak dapat:
1. Nike dance shoe (the one that I like, no size)
2. iPod Touch (no stock).. iPod Classic (also no stock.. isk!!)
But it's ok, nanti-nanti pun boleh :)
Things that I have to do:
1. Buy the above 2
2. Buy sofa set
3. Buy another laptop for my younger sis. (cap duit betul kakak nyer..)
4. Decorate (lagi & lagi.. tapi tak pandai2) my lovely house
5. Organize my own house warming
Things I wanna do:
* Being myself & hope that people around me can accept me just the way I am. I know.. I know.. different people have different overview & opinion. But I have to face it anyway coz I've chosen this path. Nak tak nak, it's becoming a part of me already & like I said previously, NO TURNING BACK!! So, let it be.. let it be.. wah!! macam nak nyanyi pulak!!
2009!! Here we go!! A new journey of me....
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
wuh!! new year.. blog oso velu kalerful.. :D
housewarming?? makan?? me loikeeeeeeee..........
suka wat u said. u r still urself :) I like u bcos is u hehehe
house warming jgn lupa I k!
Happy New Year!
When can see you in BJ action?
Kak Leo: hehehe.. me also like makan2!! :D
Kak Shirlyn: hehe.. sure I ingat u punyer.. don't worry :)
Brian: in action? hehehe..
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