Yesterday was a really stressed day for me.. not sure why.. PMS symptom kot.
Working as usual.. with extra stress coz of one project & because of 'certain people' who is not professional (I'm serious here ok.. not professional at all!! & kind of rude.. tak belajar moral agaknya kat sekolah dulu.. kalau lower level staff takpe la.. boleh la diampunkan lagi.. but this one quite high level la jugak, tapi level I lagi tinggi dari dia ok) sungguh memalukan to have such staff in this big & great company ish ish ish... tak dapek den nak nolong dah!! :P
Lunch time, me & friend went McD.. I told them I wanna eat a lot, but guess what happen. After eating the french fries (I ordered double cheese burger set), dah takde selera. So burger bawak balik la.. I only eat it at about 5.30pm.
I left office late at about 7.00pm. Before that, I was really stress till I wanna cry huhuhu.. but i didn't la.. of course!! (I think if I'm alone at office I will hahaha..)
Went practice at FF Summit, but before that I join Kak Leo's jam class. Time ni tak rasa stress langsung!! Happy jek & I likee!! But after the practice finished, I kena gastrik.. isk isk isk!! langsung tidak suka!! I terus balik rumah, but I can see they are still practicing.. I wish I can stay there & join them talking & practicing more, but dah tak boleh tahan dah!! This gastrik is the result of being too stress ler.. me is like that!! kalau stress biase2 je I ok.. but if sampai kena gastrik (dah lama tak kena gastrik nih!!), that means stress giler2 maut tu!! Must learn more how to overcome the stress nih!! But what to do, we are ladies what!! of course once a month got this symptom hehehe.. but must control ler.. must not let it affect our work!! but how?? how??
This morning, terbangun lambat, but manage to reach office before 8am.. :)
(ha.. jangan cakap I tak mandi pulak yer.. I mandi ok!!! hehe..)
Hope everything will be ok today coz PMS symptom ni kejap jek kan.. (hope so) coz got lots of things to do.. & I need the 'normal me' to finish them all!!
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
relax sikit n rest more yeah. its festive season cannot fall into sick :)
heyyyy... patut la time kitorg carik nak gi makan2.. u dah takde... ish ish...
hey my lovely sisters!!
I'm ok.. biase la tu stress..
if no stress, tak syiok jugak..
asam garam kehidupan... wakakakak..
gitu :P
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