It's so funny that sometimes, some people just don't wanna let us go. They just can't accept the fact that we don't want them to be part of our lives anymore. & they really trying & trying hard each & everytime to bring us down. Hehehe.. Very funny hor..
But hey!! Words can't bring me down!! To hell what u wanna say about me.
I'm so thankful to be blessed with so many nice, strong & +ve minded people around me who will always be there for me. Always encourage me to stay firm & strong no matter what. & I'm happy to have them in my life. So, a small 'ant' like you won't do me any harm. You see, I'm not like you who have so many free times to 'disturb' other people's life. That's just not me okay!!
May God bless u with what u are doing now, coz He's watching & knows better :)
Till then... daaaa.. ;)
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
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