People come and go in our lives everyday. Some people come in our lives like a lightning, out of sudden you feel that they are important. And out of sudden also, they leave us with no explaination. As simple as that!!
Sometimes, we tend to let the wrong people to enter our lives. We never know it until we realize that they are hurting us bit by bit. At first, we try to deny it, and excuses that we always tell ourselves is.. "Human do make mistake. Nobody's perfect. Maybe they need time to really know us". But in the end, it's time to make a decision.. "Should we let them stay, or should we just let them go, or if they don't wanna go, should we create a distance from them". Hmmm.. but generally for me, friendship is easy. It's just that some people are trying to make it so difficult just for the sake of satisfying themselves, which until now I don't really understand. But I don't need to think about it, coz not important hor.. There's a lot of other important things that I should think of, right?! :)
There are certain things happen which I would like to note it here in my blog :)
1. Now I'm working hard in order to achieve my target which is : Fitter & Bootilicious. Heheheheh.. Been working out at gym, active again in Bodyattack & Bodystep. Did my own workout after my jam class (treadmill & weights). & also sometimes join jam class as a member hehe.. Kind of releasing stress as well for me hehehe.. :)
2. Yesterday, got to know that one of my 'loyal bodyjam member' will be flying off to New York next week to further his studies in Biotech. Felt quite sad after hearing it.. coz he'll always be in my jam class & I know he's having fun by just looking at his smile. Just like my younger brother. But each & everyone of us have dreams to achieve right?! So, Good luck ya!! Hope to see you again in my bodyjam class!! ;)
3. From now on, I will only do things that will make me feel happy. To hell what people wanna say about it (nieh pinjam kata2 Kak Azyei hehe..) I'll listen more to what my heart says (coz last time I always listen to what my brain said, rather than my heart, which in the end, I'm the one who is hurting myself.
4. Being a bodyjam instructor really taught me a lot. I've learned how to deal with different kind of people & situation. Thanks to all my seniors who always been there for me when I needed them, especially in terms of advice. I know I'm a stubborn person, which sometimes I didn't listen to those advice given. But I learn from my mistakes, which is learn from the hard way hehe.. But they are still there.. always listen to my story & giving me advice so that I'll become stronger & stronger each day! Thank you ya!! Muaaahhhhh!!! :D
5. Doing bodyjam class never fails to make me feel happy. It's like a therapy. I always emphasize to the members that the most important thing in Bodyjam is that you get to workout & have fun at the same time. Just let it out & let the body speaks on your behalf hehe.. Let the music take control ekekekek.. Some members are quite shy at first, but as time goes on, they can adapt to it already. Some of them can even scream out loud while doing the class especially during the 'breakout' part. You know what?! I get the satisfaction from this. When the members smile, laugh & shout during the class.. Ohh.. don't know how to explain lah!! Hiak!! :)
So, I guess that summarizes everything that I wanna note down today. I'll continue blogging again when I have time hehe.. ok! daaa!! :)
I wanna go to this place again!!!! :D
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
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