Hehe.. today I cried a lot hehehe.. nyampah pun ader..
The crying slots for me today:
1. After reading Kak Azyei's reply (email) <--- yg ni pun nak nangis!! huahuahua..
2. After reading Kak Ju's reply (email) <--- yg ni ok lah jugak nangis.. boleh diterima hehe..
3. In my car (after jam slot at Maxis) on the way back home.. lagu sedih tetiber kat radio katanyaaa.. heheheeh..
4. During a midnight chat session with close frens... ehekkk!! tetiber citer sedih terkeluar... ekekekek.. funny hor..
So, as a summary..I did a lot of crying last week & this week. I think I had enough of crying... tak suker lah cry cry nih!! I need to go away I think.
So, early tomorrow morning, I'll be going to a place which is far away from KL & Shah Alam.. just to get some fresh air & some time to be alone. Nak bermesra ngan alam sekitar instead of human being hehe.. Thursday & Friday I cuti yeayyyyy!!! TQ bos!! hehehe..
So.. hope to see u all again after my 'run away' nih okeh!! C ya!! :D
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
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