Port Dickson trip with my family. Stayed at Palm Spring Resort for 3 days & 2 nights. It was a super fun trip!! Me want this kind of trip again in the future plsss.. eheee
Me has planned this trip few months back, since Guchik's mum offer me to bring my family along to PD. Well, sesekali belanja family sendiri pergi vacation kan.. apa salahnya. & it's my dad's birthday too!! Sangat kena kan timing! Me loikeee.. :) Mandi2 kat pantai.. It's been so long since I last had this. Last 10~15 years kot! hikss
Beach banana split! Syiokkk wooo!!
Woohoooo!!! Sian my bro demam time kitorg bergumbira mandi-manda ehehehehe.. Takpe, next time kite buat trip lagik wokayy!! hiksss
Swimming at the resort's pool. Me can't swim, but gegeh jugak nak swim yerrr.. swim sambil jalan kat dlm pool.. wakikikiuikuikui.. :P
Yaaa.. itu dia Si Dugong dengan aksi gelongsor.. ihikss! *gelongsor air kanak2 pun jadik mangsa yerrrr..*
Kolam air panas tiruan.. nyeh nyeh nyeh..
Go-kart!! Woohoo! Me loike it so much!!
Adikku yg gegeh mau ber'paint ball' ihiksss! Ada gaya, tapi len kali sila lebihkan dada tu ke depan okay!! eheeee
Other than that, me had a good sleep at the resort. Really really good sleep I tell u!..
P/S: Me got darker skin now.. huhu.. me don't like.. :(
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
e elehhh....
adikku yg gegehhhhh...........
ya la.. sapa ntah yg beriya nak main paintball kan!! eheee
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