Me run again on treadmill after jam class at Manulife!! *clap clap clap* :D
My new record (4th March):
Distance: 3.1km
Time: 26 minutes
Approximately 7.15km/h
What keeps me running today??..
1) My personal target *refer previous entry.. (kekwat tak??) heeee*
2) The techno kinda song from my ipod (bodyjam 36 ---> me so obsessed hor.. running also have to listen to bodyjam song.. hakhakhak!! :P)
3) I watch Oprah show on tv while running. I am so into the show until I forgot about the details of my running (distance, timing & bla bla bla..)
As a summary, I felt so happy with my new record today. Hopefully can maintain or improve more. AYUHHHH!! KITA BERLARI DGN LEBIH PANTAS & WORKOUT DGN LEBIH GEGEH!! HIKSSSS..
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
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