It is so niceee to wake up every morning, knowing that you just can't wait for that 'one' special day in a week to come. It was just a few days ago, but now I can't wait for that day to come again.. eheee.. yikesss!! *Oh tulun!! Tulun!! Saya sangat 'ilusi' sekarang neh!!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Posted by zarrien08 at 12:39 AM 3 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Bodyjam 52 Launch @ TF Taipan
It was a 'cwazzeeyy & fun' launch!! & super tiring also hiksss! Thanks to all the members who join it. Hopefully to see u all again next time around kay! :D Su Lin, Simone & me, BJ52 launch team for this time around :)
I always like it when we have a 'house music' for warm up tracks :)
P/S: Me will put more photos when I get the nice-nice photos from that Mr. Photographer okiee (got it already.. check it out in fb la hor.. hikss). His name is Cress if I'm not mistaken :) & thanks to Su Yee for tagging me those lovely photos in FB. Me loike it so much!! :D
Posted by zarrien08 at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tag.. Tag.. Jangan tak tag!!
Been tagged by 'Life Is Beautiful Lyric'.. Not sure I can put her real name here or not.. Hikss
The instructions:
1. Go to your photo files…Select the 8th photo folder.
2. Select the 8th photo in that folder.
3. Post that photo along with the story behind it.
4. Then challenge 8 blogging friends to do the same! "...
Nah!.. Here's mine :) The story behind it?.. Hmm.. It's me, Yam (one of my best friend at UIA) & her baby. Happy-happy moment, catching up with each other's latest story, eating laksam prepared by Muni *me eat a lot yoh! eheee* besides playing with their babies. Me loike it so much. Wish me can have own baby one day.. Eheeee.. :)
Ok, now it's time to challenge another 8 blogger to do this.. ahahahaah!! Jeng jeng jeng..!
1. Guchik
2. Kak Leo
3. Kak Az
4. Kak Ju
5. Cik Sue
6. Diana
Another 2.. whoever read this, considered you've been tagged! Ehehehehe..
Posted by zarrien08 at 11:21 PM 3 comments
It was a FUNTABULOUS class at Maxis!!! Me so happy to team teach with Anthony, & the members are so awesome!! Full of drama.. errr, I mean bodyjam drama ahahaha.. I LOIKEEE.. :D
Posted by zarrien08 at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
PD Trip
Port Dickson trip with my family. Stayed at Palm Spring Resort for 3 days & 2 nights. It was a super fun trip!! Me want this kind of trip again in the future plsss.. eheee
Me has planned this trip few months back, since Guchik's mum offer me to bring my family along to PD. Well, sesekali belanja family sendiri pergi vacation kan.. apa salahnya. & it's my dad's birthday too!! Sangat kena kan timing! Me loikeee.. :) Mandi2 kat pantai.. It's been so long since I last had this. Last 10~15 years kot! hikss
Beach banana split! Syiokkk wooo!!
Woohoooo!!! Sian my bro demam time kitorg bergumbira mandi-manda ehehehehe.. Takpe, next time kite buat trip lagik wokayy!! hiksss
Swimming at the resort's pool. Me can't swim, but gegeh jugak nak swim yerrr.. swim sambil jalan kat dlm pool.. wakikikiuikuikui.. :P
Yaaa.. itu dia Si Dugong dengan aksi gelongsor.. ihikss! *gelongsor air kanak2 pun jadik mangsa yerrrr..*
Kolam air panas tiruan.. nyeh nyeh nyeh..
Go-kart!! Woohoo! Me loike it so much!!
Adikku yg gegeh mau ber'paint ball' ihiksss! Ada gaya, tapi len kali sila lebihkan dada tu ke depan okay!! eheeee
Other than that, me had a good sleep at the resort. Really really good sleep I tell u!..
P/S: Me got darker skin now.. huhu.. me don't like.. :(
Posted by zarrien08 at 2:02 AM 2 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
Hoorayy! Me got award!!
Tak sia-sia aku pakai SK-II kan.. dapat Beautiful Blogger Award.. hak hak hak!! Ko ado?? Nan ado!! Hiksss.. :P
Thanks to Kak Leo and Kak Ju for the award. Chantek ke idak, belakang kire la uollss. Yang penting dapat award ni.. I loikeee! Eheeee..
Now, lets take a look on how to play this 'game', so that this award will not be taken away from me.. heeee
1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic
3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award.
4. State 7 things about yourself
1) Ni dah buat. Dah say thanks to Kak Leo & Kak Ju kat atas tu.. :D *Muaaahhhhh!!!*
2&3) Pass to 15 blogger?? Are u kiddin' me??!! Hmm.. Ok, I'll pass this award to..
i. Guchik
ii. Kak Az
iii. Diana
Just got 3 there.. So I pass this award to whoever happens to read this entry. Hiksss..
4) 7 things about myself..
i. Me enjoy eating hak hak hak!
ii. Me only enjoy sleeping when my parents are around.. *weired hor*
iii. Me love dancing veli veli veli muchieee, but me don't like dancing alone eheee..
iv. Me lurveeee teaching bodyjam hiksss..
v. Me enjoy travelling! It has become my new hobby :)
vi. Me hate drama queen/king and liars. So annoying larrr
vii. Me need to lose weight!! Arrrgghhh.. Ayuh!! Berusaha dengan lebih gegeh!! :P
Yeayy! Finish already!! *clap clap clap*
Posted by zarrien08 at 10:41 PM 2 comments
Happy Birthday Ayah!!
Happy Birthday Ayah!! Me so happy & thankful to have you in my life!!!! Wiiiiii!!! :D
*clap clap clap*
Posted by zarrien08 at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
Les Mills KL Quarterly 1/2010
Since I can't sleep *haiszzzz..*, so lets post something interesting about the event which I joint recently, Les Mills KL Quarterly 1/2010. At first, I thought of joining bodyattack & bodystep instead of joining only bodyjam session. But you know la what happen on Sunday when my 2 bros are at home with me. Me kinda felt so lazy, talking & having brunch with them, did my laundry, watching tv and so on.. So finally, I join bodyjam only.. haha! as expected! :P Right before the jam session starts. This photo will be super perfect if Kak Leo, Kak Azyei & Kak Ju were also there..
Me wanna frame up this photo. Nice!!!
The awesome of the awesomness bodyjam presenters.. Fetty, Naila & Arnold. Can I be there on that stage one day?? Ihikssss.. *dreaming dreaming.. yikesss! Sila berdiet & kuruskan badan!! Hiakkkkk!!*
Right after the jam session
Talking about the latest release of Bodyjam 52. It's super cool & awesome yoh!! All I can say is, prepare yourself with a super cool attitude & mega high stamina in order to enjoy this release to the max!! Ahahaha!! Me can't wait to RAWWWKKKK it with all the members & I'm sure they will have this.. 'WHATTTTTT DA TUTTTTTTTTTT!!!' kind of impression when trying this release for the 1st time. But after that, they will like it so much until they wanna do it again & again & again. Naper?? Tak caya kerr??.. :P
P/S: Thanks Osmy & Fina for all the nice photos!! *me politely 'steal' those photos from FB again & post it here.. eheeee..*
Posted by zarrien08 at 3:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
In love with Sean Paul.. Eh!!
Wish me luck yoh!!! & for the time being, I's so gonna drag myself to fall in love with this guy.. Hiksss.. I LOVE YOU SEAN PAUL!!!! Eheeee.. *perlu kerrr nak lebey2 cenggini?? :P*
Posted by zarrien08 at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Freakin' freakin' awesome!!!
What if you got this kind of member in your bodyjam class?.. A guy with a great body like Gerard Butler..
Good looking, just like Jensen Ackles.. hikss
With a style & attitude like a real jammer
& his dancing is so damn freakin' freakin' awesome!!
You can't find this kind of member everywhere all the time. Jarang-jarang jumpa okay!! But if jumpa, this is the time when I just can't resist my eyes from looking at this member, especially when he's dancing. But me have to be profesional, trying to concentrate to the class & trying to pay attention to all members.. Haizzzzz.. Not as easy as you might think!! But I had so much fun doing the class! *ihikssss!!*
Posted by zarrien08 at 8:07 PM 2 comments
Friday, March 5, 2010
Anak Mamak Menantu Mami
**Mode cakap utara is activated again**
Sila baca entry ni dengan gaya percakapan utara Penang okay!! Time baca tu, kena geleng2 kepala sikit mcm org Penang selalu buat tu no.. Baru ada feel.. ngeh ngeh ngeh.. :P
Haloo! Haloo! Hangpa pernah tengok dak ceghita ni?? "Anak Mamak Menantu Mami".. depa dok tayang kat Astro. Tengahari tadi cheq balik la ghumah sat nak buat laundry pasai waktu lunch Jumaat kan lama. Sambil dok tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu laundry siap (pakai mesin basuh laaa.. haisshh.. hangpa ingat cheq ni rajin sangat ka nak basuh sendiri guna tangan eheheheh..) cheq pun bukak la tv. Mula2 cheq tengok Oprah show, pastu iklan, cheq pun tukaq channel 104. The moment (ecehh.. speaking omputeh la pulak.. hikss) cheq tengok ja ceghita Anak Mamak Menantu Mami ni, cheq gelak sampai nak pecah perut nieh!! Gila lawak dia.. lawak gaban pun kalah okeh!! *cheq rasa jiran sebelah dengaq kot cheq gelak sorang2 kat ghumah.. kuat pulak tu.. hiksss* Ni antara pelakon utama dia. Hat yang belah kanan tu cheq tau, nama dia Azad Jazmin. Dia pernah masuk program pertandingan berlakon dulu kat NTV7 (apa ntah nama program tu, cheq dah lupa daaa..) Yang trademark dia dlm ceghita ni yg paling cheq suka.. "Hang tengok!! Hang tengok!!~~" Fullamak.. syokk woo dia cakap lagu tuuu.. Lagi satu suara dia ahahahahah!! Lawak laaa! Tak tahan la cheq dok gelak tengok dia ja.. hehehehe.. muka dia pun betoi2 la anak mami tulen.. sekali dia cakap penang, perghhhh!! Cheq sukaaaa!!! Eheeeeee... Rasa mcm dok ada kat Penang la la tu jugak! (tiba2 pulak teringat pasemboq penang.. pastu makan kat padang kota.. huahuahua!! Cheq mau pi Penang la la ni jugak!! Buleh ka?.. Hikssss)
Hangpa kalu nak tau ceghita ni lagu mana, hangpa pi la tengok sendiri kat Astro Channel 104 okeh! Malaih la cheq nak tulih summary dia kat sini. Kalu cheq tulih pun, bukannya depa bayaq cheq. Tak kuasa la cheq nak buat keja free untuk depa!! Lain la kalu En. Azad Jazmin tu mai mintak tolong kat cheq sendiri, la la tu jugak cheq buatkan.. eheheheh! (habih laaa.. dah jatuh cinta ngan anak mami penang la plak!! ngeh ngeh ngeh.. :P)
P/S: Masa buat entry ni pun cheq dok gelak2 lagi pasai teringat ceghita ni. Tadi drive ke ofis after lunch pun cheq gelak sorang2 dlm keta. Ehehehehehe.. Hangpa tengok la tau!! Sure akan gelak punya lah! Kalu tak gelak, maknanya hangpa ada something wrong kat kepala hotak hangpa tu. Tak pun pasai hangpa spesis 'psycho' ekekekekeke!! Selamat Menonton & bergelak golek2 no..!!! :D
Posted by zarrien08 at 6:15 PM 3 comments
Me run again on treadmill after jam class at Manulife!! *clap clap clap* :D
My new record (4th March):
Distance: 3.1km
Time: 26 minutes
Approximately 7.15km/h
What keeps me running today??..
1) My personal target *refer previous entry.. (kekwat tak??) heeee*
2) The techno kinda song from my ipod (bodyjam 36 ---> me so obsessed hor.. running also have to listen to bodyjam song.. hakhakhak!! :P)
3) I watch Oprah show on tv while running. I am so into the show until I forgot about the details of my running (distance, timing & bla bla bla..)
As a summary, I felt so happy with my new record today. Hopefully can maintain or improve more. AYUHHHH!! KITA BERLARI DGN LEBIH PANTAS & WORKOUT DGN LEBIH GEGEH!! HIKSSSS..
Posted by zarrien08 at 1:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Work it out.. baby!!
Dragged myself to run again on treadmill after jam class last night. I can feel that my running has improved coz I felt so energetic on treadmill last night. My running summary:
3rd March 2010
Distance: 2.42km ; Time: 21minutes
Approximately 6.91km/h (haiyooo.. still so slow. Gotta pick up faster!!! :P)
I think I can run better than that, it's just that I reckon, my inner motivation is not that good. I tend to loose focus when running as I allow the tiredness, the time & the distance control my mind. But thanks to the 'techno' kind of songs from my ipod which help a lot hahaha! Coz the faster & stronger the song's beat, the faster I can run hiksss!
*** My next target.. I should run:
Distance: > 2.5km OR
Time running on treadmill: > 25 minutes
*** My other target:
In order to achieve that, I have to:
1) Find time.. OMG!!! I have no time!! (errr.. is that a valid excuse?.. hiakkk!)
2) Throw away the laziness in me.. alaarr, nak rehat lah. Penat tau!! (errrrrr.. excuse lagik!! hiakk! hiakkk!!)
Posted by zarrien08 at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Live Like We're Dying
Hey!! Me so like this song by Kris Allen! The lyrics kinda nice too!! :)
Sometimes we fall down, can't get back up
We're hiding behind skin that's too tough
How come we don't say I love you enough
Till it's too late, it's not too late
Our hearts are hungry for a food that won't come
And we could make a feast from these crumbs
And we're all staring down the barrel of a gun
So if your life flashed before you,
What would you wish you would've done
Yeah, we gotta start
Looking at the hands of the time we've been given
If this is all we got and we gotta start thinking
If every second counts on a clock that's ticking
Gotta live like we're dying
We only got 86,400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell them that we love them
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying
And if your plane fell out of the skies
Who would you call with your last goodbye
Should be so careful who we live out our lives
So when we long for absolution,
There'll no one on the line, yeah
You never know a good thing till it's gone
You never see a crash till it's head on
Why do we think we're right when we're dead wrong
You never know a good thing till it's gone
I don't wanna be the person who say 'I love you' when it's too late already.. Therefore..
1. To ayah, mama & my family.. Me love you all so muchieee-muchieee okay!! :D
2. To my bestfriend, Guchik & Pip.. Me love both of u!!! :D
3. To hommies, Kak Leo, Kak Azyei, Kak Ju, Eusopth, Rijal, Bro Azrul, Arib, Alipth, Anthony, Jenny & Fina.. Me love you all too!!
4. To gym buddies who now have become close to me, KS, Meekee, Kwan & Cilla. Me love you all too!! :D
To other friends, it's not that I don't love you at all, but those people mentioned above are so important to me! They always be there for me no matter how good or bad I am, & I'm gonna make sure that I'll be there for them too!! *me so bias hor.. ihiksss!* Heeeee...
Posted by zarrien08 at 1:30 PM 3 comments
Tidoq oh tidoq..
This is what I felt these past few weeks.. Hekkkk!!
I think I have a problem in this downloading process.. huhuhu..
& when I got the chance to sleep, I keep waking up for the 'non-stop coughing session'. Haiyooo!!
I don't wanna be like this!! But my dad said, I did that when I was 4 years old. What??!! Sure or not?.. So scary hor.. "Zaza the sleep walker" *tak sesuaiii!!* :P
I wanna sleep like that baby!! I want!! I want!! Heeee..
Or like this.. :)
Posted by zarrien08 at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Cameron Highland.. not bad for a day trip!!
***Mode cakap utara is ON***
Dah lama cheq tak pi Cameron nih! Tiba-tiba rasa nak pi & adik cheq yg 2 org tu pun kata nak pi jugak.. so apa lagi, Ahad lepas kami pi sana lah! Kereta cheq buleh muat 4 orang (kalau nak selesa lah.. kalau nak menyempit, buleh ja masuk sorang lagi, tapi cheq tak mau pasai nanti tak buleh tidoq ngan best dlm keta.. ekekekek), jadi cheq ajak lah kawan cheq sorg ni join pasai Pip tak dapat join, dia dok ada kat Melaka time tu.
Cheq malaih nak drive, so adik cheq la yang drive (matilamak mode mak datin & bimbo tetiber.. hikss). Pening tak tau nak kata lah pasai kitorang ikut jalan yang exit Tapah tu. Haiyooo!! Rasa mcm nak terkeluaq la semua isi dalam perut ni, tapi nasib baik la tak keluaq. Kalau keluaq, naya semua org dlm keta tuh! Heee..
Hmm.. jom la kita tengok gambaq2 yang cheq sempat amek tu. Hangpa jgn heran no pasai banyak gambaq makanan.. hehehehehe.. :P First stop lepas pening naik Cameron. The Tea House. Kami lepak minum teh sambil tengok permandangan ladang teh. Kat sini panas lah!! Sangat tak sesuai utk depa2 yg merasa mual macam cheq! Hiakkkk!! :P
Gambaq kenangan kat ladang teh. Cheq senyum paksa tu pasai perut mmg rasa tak sedap wawawawawawa!!! :P
Pi tempat cactus. Cheq beli set cactus skali ngan bekas ni letak kat dalam umah. Cantik tak? Cantik tak? hehe..
Then pi one of the atrawberry farm there. Kat situ kita buleh petik sendiri strawberry. Minimum 2 orang petik 1.5kg bayaq RM25, tapi cheq tak pi pasai malas & rasa macam takkan dpt petik strawberry yg manis ekekekek.. *strawberry sini masam la uollss!* Jadi kami jalan2 sikit2, then minum & makan kek & tart strawberry.. heeee.. yummyyyy!!
Love fruit or dalam bahasa melayu, buah cinta. Hiksss! Orang tu kasi cheq rasa, sedap jugak masam2 manis. So cheq pun beli la sekilo.
Pastu, kitorang pi kat pasar tani kat situ. Depa jual macam2! Seronok tengok! Ni ialah cendawan & sayuran goreng. Cheq beli ni jugak, sedapppp!!! :D
Haaa.. hat ni wajib beli lah! Pasai pasar tani tu dah nak tutup, aunty tu offer kat cheq satu bekas container penuh tu RM25 ja.. So bila dia boh dlm bekas plastik besaq tu, dapat la 4 bekas penuh ngan strawberry! Mmg berbaloi-baloi lah! Cheq sukaaaa! :D *cheq pun ada jugak beli sayuq2 yg best2 yg cheq suka..
Tu diaaaa! Bebola ubi/keledek madu. Orang yg jual tu kasi cheq rasa. Sedap jugak, tapi cheq tak beli pasai dah dapat rasa eheheheh.. jahat tak?!
Ni adalah satu lagi strawberry farm. I would say farm yang ni adalah yang paling selesa dan bersih. Tapi jalan nak keluar dari parking sangat horror yerrrr.. Bukit curam huahuahua!! Rasa mcm Vios cheq tu tetiba ja jadik roller coaster.. hiksss!
Kat sini ada tanam banyak macam2 salad. Adik cheq pi beli yg salad (all u can eat buffet style) RM4.90 ja! Sedap! Sangat la fresh!!! *tiap2 hari mkn salad, buleh kurus!! heeee..*
Lepas dah penat, kitorg singgah pulak kat satu lagi ladang strawberry, but the place is so dirty & tak best. Jadi kitorang pun beredar ke tempat jual teh. Cheq beli la jugak teh nak kasi mama ngan ayah nanti, buleh depa minum nanti bila depa mai sini next 2 weeks.
Then, singgah kat tempat jual sayur & fresh flowers. Yayyy! Cheq suka part ni! Tengok la gambaq bunga2 kat bawah ni. Kalau la mama cheq ada time tu, habis la penuh bonet keta cheq ngan pokok2 bunga orkid tu.. heeee..
Banyak lagi tapi malas nak amek gambaq banyak2.. :P
Cheq beli 2 dozen pink roses ni letak atas dining table. Cantik kan!! Heee.. cheq suka lagik! :D
Hala balik, singgah kat ayaq terjun Lata Iskandar. Cheq yg drive time ni pasai tak mau pening kepala eheheheh.. sian 2 adik cheq kena dok belakang pastu depa pening kepala.. muka pucat whakakakak! Tapi kat highway, cheq kasi depa drive pasai cheq nak tidoq.. penaaatttt! heee..
Sebelum masuk highway Tapah nak balik tu, kitorang singgah utk dinner (dinner awal kul 6 hehe) kat Intan Tomyam Seafood (dekat betul ngan simpang nak masuk highway tu) Restoran ni ok jugak, best & harga pun berpatutan. Kualiti makanan pun buleh tahan!!
After makan, kitorang pun bertolak la balik Shah Alam. Penat tapi enjoy!! Nak tau tak apa yg cheq buat ngan strawberry yg banyak tuh? heeee... Nantilah cheq habaq kalau projek tu menjadi okay! ;)
Posted by zarrien08 at 1:12 AM 0 comments