It's written in the karma.. "There will always be an obstacles & challenges when you've decided to change for good". Ya, I totally agree with that!!
You know what, now I felt so unhappy coz I was trying to change myself in becoming a better person each day.. But it seems so hard for me to accept some of the results of those changes that I'm trying to make.
We tend to ask these questions:-
1) What did we do wrong?
2) Why this is happening?
But I think, those 2 questions are not really suitable to be asked. Why not we change the questions into statements.. which might go like this:-
1) There must be something that I did which make things go wrong
2) There must be something wrong somewhere which cause things to happen
We always think too much about certain issues. Sometimes, we tend to assume things that never happen at all. We tend to get the wrong information about things from other people which sometimes can make things getting worst, coz some people like to manipulate stories.
I'm just wondering, why is it so difficult for us to ask the person itself when we have some sort of curiosity on what's happening. Coz I think, sometimes, by asking a simple question like, "are you okay?" or "is there something wrong?" can solve the problem.
For me, if I have a friend, I will ask this kind of question when I saw something wrong with him/her. Coz what's the purpose of you being friend with me, if you are acting like you don't care at all? If you have a question about someone, why not you ask the question to that someone yourself? Rather than asking other people which might not know what's really happening! They might give you the answer based on what they feel & based on their assumption. And at the end of the day, you might got the wrong reason & explanation that you want.
I'm not trying to blame anyone by posting this entry. I'm just trying to remind myself to appreciate all the friendship that I have now so that it will last forever. And I was just expressing things that I've been kept for so long in me. There will always be this ONE question in my mind, which I think I will never got the answer. Plus, it doesn't matter anymore.
People move on, so do I. And I hope my friends are moving on too, which I can see that very clearly. I'm happy with that. And I hope you all are happy too! Me will always try to look forward in life & never look back.
P/S: Friend, I've treasured you as one of my real friend, whom I can share my stories & felt happy with it, although it was just for a short period of time. Maybe it was my fault to trust you too much coz at that time, we always have lots of conversation about everything. & I seem to be too comfortable with it. But now things have changed. You go to the other road, while I have chosen the opposite road. I guess I will never have you as my friend like last time coz I don't think I can do that anymore. But I will always be nice to you, just like to other people. You smile at me, I'll try to smile back. You say 'hi' to me, then I'll try to reply it with 'hi' too. That's all. No strings attached.. Happy?? Happyyyy.. Heee.. :)
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
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