Last night, 28th February.. I went to Istana Budaya to watch M Nasir concert with some old friends (university friends). They are the one who ask me to join them. At first, I was like.. hmm.. why not! Coz my first instention is just to meet them all (coz lama tak jumpa) and maybe to release my work stress hehe.. seriously, I need a break ya!! With the poster.. tak sempat nak tukat baju.. from gym ok!
When I reach there, I was so hungry & tired coz before that got jam tuition, joined step class (to support my friend for his step clearance) & jam class after that haha!! Fun & crazy!! Right before the concert starts, I told my friend to wake me up if I fall asleep during the concert, hehehe.. :P Macam memperkecilkan konsert M Nasir jek kan time nih!! With friends
But you know what!! I didn't fall asleep at all!! I like all M Nasir performances especially the music arrangement. I even stand up & dance during the last 30 minutes of the show. Can you believe that?! hehehe.. me & one of my friend dance, but others malu-malu ler.. hehehe.. but most of the audience did the same too!! Very sporting yo!!
But one thing for sure, M Nasir sangat handsome & macho... & sexy also.. sangat-sangat ok!! hehehe.. :P
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
heyy.. glad to hear that you are having a great time.... :D
hehe.. ya Kak Leo.. I'm having a great time.. need to release all the stress away :)
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