Hey! These few days, it's all about work, work & work (Sunday also work! aiyoh! Hiakkk!!).
Am typing this blog at Perodua, Rawang. Got a project going on here, so need to stay here for the whole day.. but yet, I'm so free yoh! Hehehe..
Reached Perodua at about 10.45am coz the program starts at 11.00am until 4.00pm. It was quite hot (although there's an aircond there). You must be asking what the hell I'm doing here for the whole day.. haha.. Actually, we are in a group. We've been appointed to display our project and also represent our company in 'Perodua Quality Improvement Competition' organized by them. I've been here since last Friday for setting up & preparing everything, as the program starts on Monday until Tuesday, which is today. Didn't manage to join the team yesterday coz there's so many things to do at office, & meeting as well. The view at the exhibition area.. Perodua main lobby.
Busy preparing the materials for the competition & exhibition as well *buat-buat bz jek tu uollss! Ahahahahaha!!*
Explain & explain & explain.. Hopefully we'll win! Yeahhhh!!
We had lunch here.. Golden Cow Kopitiam *takde pun lembu emas kat sini uollss.. hehe..*
My lunch!! hehehehehe... *roti telur tuh I share with my friend okeh! heeee..* ;p
Eh! Pssstttt... psssstttt.. I've decided something..
To work hard, play hard, hmmm.. everything hard lah!! But yet, living a simple life.. I think I'll be happy then.. ;)
Before I stop, lets enjoy the video clip below by Jay Sean. The song title is 'Down'.
I like the song yoh! Really really like it!! But the video clip.. errrr.. ok la hor.. But I think Jay Sean can't dance. Looks weired & funny hehe.. ooopppssss.. sorry.. ;p
Till then.. daaa.. ;)
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
Zaza..takdak mamat kiut tak kat sana???Hahahhaha
ahahahaha!! ada! ada! tadi pun cheq dok bz cuci mata jugaksss!! ngeeeee.. ;p *Amboi Sue.. gatai hang no! Cheq habaq kat mak hang baru hang tau!!*
hahahha..amboi..cuci mate nmpak..moga2 sangkut la sorg nnt..hehehhee...
Gatai!!Gatai!!Nak suh hang garu ta bley laa..nanti laen plak hahahha..
Almaklumla...cheq kan back in the game, so want to try test the water noo....
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