I've started my reading again after quite some time. I don't really like to read actually. Usually, I'll read for certain reasons only. Sometimes, you want to deviate your mind from thinking something which is not worth for you to think, so reading can be an excellent help for that!!
Got a book from a close friend of mine. The title is "My Best Friend's Girl" by Dorothy Koomson. This book is about friendship. At the cover page, there's a question asked.. "What would you do for the friend who broke your heart?" Kind of interesting for me. So I hope I can manage to finish this (definitely will take quite some time for me to finish this.. hehehe..), coz I'm not really good in
reading.. ya I mean, I'm always amazed by the fact that some people can read so fast. Some of them can finish reading a 500 pages book in just one day.. & some of them can even finish it in only a couple of hours. OMG! How they read & "takde kerja lain ka depa nieh dok asyik baca ja??.."
Well, that proves the fact that most (I said most okay.. not all) engineers don't like to read.. coz we
like to play with numbers rather than letters.. hehehe.. ;p
I will only read during my free time (of course!!). When is my free time?.. Hmmm.. Let me see..
1. Before going to bed (at this time usually I'm busy FB'ing, reading e-mails, blogging, reading friend's blog, etc.. so by the time I lay on my bed, suddenly it's morning already.. haha.. how? how?)
2. During my lunch time at office (well, if I'm hungry I'll go out or go to the canteen to eat. And by the time I finished my lunch, the lunch hour ends already.. haiyoo! how? how? If I'm not hungry, I'll take a nap at office. If I'm not feeling sleepy & I read, suddenly this eyes wanna close.. how? how? heeee..)
3. After working hours (I'm busy with bodyjam class and my workout activities. If not going to the gym, I'll be busy 'talking, gossiping & laughing' with my friends. Then how? how?)
4. Holiday time (Saturday.. wake up late after having fun with friends on that Friday nite. And usually I'll have 2 bodyjam classes. Then at night usually I'll have plans with friends.. movies or whatever. Sunday.. no bodyjam class but time to sleep. These few days I like to sleep lah!! Hiakkk!! Maybe I need more rest hehe.. So how? how?)
5. Balik kampung time (haiyooo.. this time is only for my family okeh! & for me to have a 'nice & fun' chat with my no. 1 best friend (mama) & my no. 2 best friend (ayah). And also do things that normal lady like me normally do, which is cooking, washing plates (lots of plates I tell ya!!), shopping groceries with mama & ayah (the best time yoh!! I'll always do this.. "Mama, beli ayam la, masak kurma sedap!!".. & then.. "Mama, daging ni kalau buat gulai.. fuyyooh! sedap!!! kan kan kan!".. & then suddenly.. "Ayah, mintak mama masak ketam ni ok jugak kan! Buat sup, mesti depa suka!".. & then.. "Waahhh.. mama! buat kari kepala ikan lah! Ayah suka kan!! hehehe.." & this will go on & on & on.. hehehe..) So how? how? Now you tell me when is the time for me to do my reading hehehehe.. *alasan sangat kan!! tak larajj*
The book.. Hopefully can finish it.. hehehehe..
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
If u go to my room u'll see piles of magazines and books that I read sporadically, so tang bila nak abis tu??Like you, can only read when I'm well-rested and relaxed, and sadly, sometimes it's my sleep-inducing MO:(..Lg satu kot ikut mood...jap nak baca buku ni, then kalo dah boring baca magazine tu la plak..Tup tap another month has passed and so nyebok dah nak beli new magazine plak, buku plak bila nak abis?...Camno tuhh????Hiaaakkk....dusshhh!!!<--pukoi diri sendirik
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