I have lots of friends.. they always make me happy & smile :)
But there are also friends that makes you cry, sad & angry :(
should we call these people friends?? I don't think so.. we should call them.. hmm.. 'monkey' hahahaha...
just joking.. I'm not that cruel to give bad names to people. It's just not me :)
These are photos of my friends who always cheer me up at gym hehe.. u know there are times when I'm stress coz of work.. but when I'm with them.. stress terus hilang hehe.. feels like one family.
I don't know what they feels about me.. & I don't care. What I know is that, I love them all!! Friendship 4 eva!!
Speaking about friends, I really miss my univesity & school friends!! They are everywhere.. If you all happen to read this, just want you all to know that I really miss those time we spend together & don't forget me ya!! hehe.. I'll always pray for your happiness & success, & I hope you all will pray for me too hehe..
My jam friends, yang kanan skali is Kwan, my best friends :)
These 2 people at the left side are my best attack friends.. Alice & Raymond. Always make me laugh in the class hahahah..
Besides people in this picture, I have other good friends too.
Kim, Elizabeth, Dorris, Eva, Nina, KS, Florence, Jasmine, Teoh & lots more yang I tak berapa remember their names.. Sorry ya!! hehe.. I'm bad in remembering names hehe..
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
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