Just finished preparing the tracks for jam class for this week. & now can't sleep. So decided to write something here. There's so many things that I wanna put here, but I don't think I'm able to do it, coz too many ler. Nanti jadi esei spm pulak!! hehe.. :P
1. Got a very good & happy news from Kak Leo last Sunday. Happy giler yer!! Three of them deserve to be on that stage. I'm so proud to see the 'kakaks-kakaks' finally got to be the presenter & I'm looking forward for the coming lesmills quarterly workshop!! Can't wait!! :D I really hope one day I can be a very good bodyjam instructors just like them. These 3 ladies always inpired me to work harder & cherish all te experiences that I got all this while. I respect & love them (I don't know whether they love me or not... but I nak love them jugak!! tak kire!! tak kire!! gituuuu.. boleh?! hehe..) *Now I start to cry already.. Oh!! stop it!! takde keje ke pepagi buta nak nangis pulak!! Hish!!*
2. Still receive calls for replacing jam class. Alhamdulillah. I like it coz I got to learn how to communicate more with the members. Different place got different kind of members.. so I have to adapt myself to different kind of situtation. So far so good :) coz they always said that the key is "JUST BE YOURSELF" & that is what I did :)
3. Last Sunday had a dinner with my mum. So happy coz I really miss her & also my dad. But my dad takde.. Can't wait for May to come as my parents will come here hehe.. Sukerr sangat!! :D
4. Attended 2 days training (work related). It was a very interesting training, as we learn how to use a new software in order to enhance problem solving process. Can't wait to attend the 2nd & 3rd module which will be held next month & June. & of course bila training, makan pun banyak ler hehe.. :P
5. Attended kind of farewell dinner for Jason & Barney at Bubba Gump, Subang. Most of TF instrutors were there. But for me, it was an instructors gathering event, coz I'll see both of them again after this :)
5. I've finally found someone?? Or 'someone' has finally found me?? The answer is.. hmm.. don't know!! heeeeee... :P
(Very contradict with my previous entry kan!! Well, sometimes things just happen.. which is out of my control.. rite??!!) But the fact is.. I'm starting to missing someone.. heeeeee.. :) so weired hor..
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
somebody's in lurveeeeeeee........ ahaks!
and of courseeeee i love you too!!!
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