I really enjoy the time spent during my holiday in my hometown :)
spending time with my family.. which jarang2 baru dapat hehe.. coz very busy with work & own activity.
Yesterday, we celebrate our younger sis & bro so called belated birthday as 3 of them were borned in August.. so sambut sekali la hehe.. rugi kan hahaha..!!
So, I sponsor the lovely black forest cake while my younger bro sponsor the makan2 (western food) hehe.. fair la coz the day before that i already treat them all makan2for lunch & dinner.. For lunch we had lots of lauk (steam crab.. this one I cook hehe.., vegetables, roasted chicken, kari kepala ikan, sambal udang & some desserts) & for dinner we makan kat luar :) I really had lots of fun chit chatting with my family & will miss them a lot when i start my work nanti kan.. huhu.. :( but nevermind.. it's life.. no success without sacrifice!! These are some nice photos that I would like to share with u all.. from my house & from my heart hehe.. :)
Black forest cake, for memeriahkan their birthday celebration :)
Cantik tak my mum's orchid garden?? hehe.. bila marah, just look at the garden.. terus x jadi marah hehe..
Parts from that, watched my favorite event for beijing olympic.. athletics of course, especially 100m, 200m, 400m, 4x100m & 4x400m. Best!! Really salute the Jamaican team. How they can be that fast.. i mean they conquer most of the event. What they eat & drink hah?.. hehehe..
Hmm.. although I had fun spending time with my family, I still miss my friend especially friends at gym hehe.. apa lagi... bodyjam friends lar.. what else.. really missed them & also missing joining the bodyjam class itself :) that's why some of my friends call me 'hantu bodyjam' wakakaka.. whatever la.. as long I enjoyed what I'm doing right?! hehe.. This Sunday, will go back to Shah Alam, so looking forward to be active again for my favorite classes.
Just now, read Shirlyn's blog, she said she already malas to go to gym. So, I hope she will not be malas again after this especially to teach bodyjam class, coz if she lazy to teach, then me & friends also will be lazy lar.. so how how how??!! Nanti me & friends gemuk macam mana.. hehehe.. no fun la like that!! hehehe.. just kidding :)
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
aiyo i malas u pun ikut malas ke? jangan risau...sunday class i sure teaching one. last week u not here. balik kampung ke? hope c u tmrw :D
aisey.. while u're doing bodyjam today, I'm still on the way back from kampung hehe.. next week la ya!! tak sabar ni!! hehe..
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