Yup!! I'm ready for it!!
Hope can still join bodyjam although puasa.. try la hor..
& hope this puasa will teach me to be more patient & able to forgive
& forget other people's mistake & bad doings hehe..
Although sometimes it's hard to do that, but I believe that's the best
thing to do. You know what I mean..
When something bad happen to you, & you think that you cannot accept & face
it. Then after that, when you take a deep breath & think about it again & again..
it made you realize that it's not that bad actually. There's other people out there
who's problem are worst than you. Then you realize that it's not the end of the world coz there's a lot more that you can do. Coz at the end of the day, your happiness is the most important right?!
So, now here I am.. a new me with a new vision & dream to achieve!! cewahh..
So people out there, you better watch out for me hahaha!!
There's no such term as 'giving up' in my dictionary anymore & I'll do all that I can
to get what I want!!
Wahh.. tiba2 bersemangat betul I!! ;p
Just wanna put photo of one of those people who have been with me when I'm happy
& sad. Who always been there when I need somebody to talk to & the most important is.. she's crazy in dancing hehehe.. & she always said that she will be happy when see me dancing.. it's good to know that you have made somebody happy by just moving your body to the music :) I love you Aunty Nina!!! You always made my day :)
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
happy puasa my friend :)
oh tats aunty nina. she is hot and crazy! hehe. she is very happy going person hoh.
thanks!!! :D
yeah!! She's hot!!
Hot mama.. hehe..
Hi..ya, she's hot,alright!
anonymous: thanks for the comment. yeah!! she's hot & crazy like hot & spicy fried chicken hehe.. puasa-puasa ni ingat chicken pulak haha.. ;p
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