Last Friday until Sunday (15~17 Aug), I went to Port Dickson for a training under company. It's for selected engineers & executives. Kind of to develop us & also to enhance our leadership skills. All 16 of us, I'm the only one female hehe.. but it's ok.. not a problem with me :) kind of used to it already.
The training was fun, although a bit stress sometimes. It challenge ourselves physically & mentally. But we manage to do all the task & most importantly, we do all the task in a team & we are getting closer each day, which I think help to enhance our communication in our daily task.
The first day, we have 'trust fall' activity hehe.. it's all about trusting each other.
At this particular time, everybody were helping each other to accomplish the mission given.. cayalah!!
Then after lunch, we had 'tarantula'. Really challenge our teamwork & patient.
Be careful.. be careful.. hehe.. that's what I said :)
Then at night, we have 'night orienteering'. We are in 3 different groups. Each group were given 3 different set of bearing to follow. We have to follow it & travel in a jungle with only 2 torchlights. This activity is held at 'Hutan Simpan Pasir Panjang' which is not really far from our hotel. We start our journey at about 9pm & my group finish it at about 1am hehe.. At first, we lost our way coz we are not sure whether the bearing that we follow at that time is correct or not. Then we decide to go back to starting point & have discussion with other group yang dah sampai. Then, we go back to look for our last check point coz 'never give up' is our team's core principal.. hehe.. cewah!! But after about 3.5 hours in the jungle, the coordinator ask us to go back to starting point through the walkie talkie as it's getting late & they are worried of our group's condition. For me, at that time, my group condition in more important than looking for the last checkpoint. So, we had about 15 minutes discussion & decide to listen to the coordinator advise. When we reach the starting point at that time, other group were very worried of our condition especially me coz I'm the only lady in this training. I said I'm ok & at the same time I make sure that everybody is ok also as for this activity, I'm the 'project manager'. Thank God that everything was ok :)
Early next morning (Saturday) we had an exercise. We had to run at the beach & do some exercise. Then after breakfast, we had a discussion on what happen last night at the jungle & lesson learned from it. Then, we have 'bridge building' activity. Each group had to build a bridge by only using two chairs which is positions about 2 feet between each other, newspaper & tape. Everything went smoothly. My group got no.1 in this challenge hehe.. we were very happy as last night, we did not manage to complete the task give. Sort of cover back lar hehe..
We're no.1!! Yesss!!!
After the trainer stand on our bridge for 3 minutes, I did not dare to stand on it without holding the chair hehehe..
Next challenge, 'treasure hunt' yess!! This one I like!! My favorite game. Run here run there.. Most of the time, me & one of my friend will do the run & find thing in order to cover some of our member who are not physically ok. One of our group member had a flu & two more are too tired to run. So, we compromise each other & we manage to complete the task successfully. At that time, one of our team's group were facing some difficulties in completing the task. So, me as the deputy leader for this training & some of other friends try to help them. When they finish the challenge, the feeling.. wow.. very satisfied.
The first station for the treasure hunt. Come on guys.. we can do it! :)
After lunch, we had paintball challenge. 3 groups has to play with each other in order to qualified for the final. My group get to go to the final hehe.. best!! We were so happy coz in our group, nobody has experience playing paintball before. Other 2 groups, like 2 to 3 of them has play it before. The final, fun!! I'm the only one left in my group which I tak sedar. Well, I was like 'syok sendiri' at that time shooting at the other group & I felt weired coz the other group keep shouting my name. At that time, I did not give up. I just try my best to shoot at them. Then I realize nobody cover me up.. so apa lagi.. mati lar hehe.. But w had lots of fun. I said to my friend, I want to play paintball again after this. So, this 31st August, I'll be joining my special team to play paintball-ambush game in the jungle hehehe..
Everybody were concentrating to the paintball briefing given by the marshall
My group hehe.. a very dynamic group.. Bravo Bravo!!
Ada gaya tak? hehe.. really looking forward to join more paintball after this :)
That night, we had physical & mental activity which we have to continue the next day. All activity were very good & I'm satisfied with it. We manage to achieve the objectives & target given. We finished the training at about 7.15pm on Sunday.
Monday, working day, most of the training participants got mc hehe.. me?.. no.. I'm ok.. just little bit batuk2 & sakit kepala. But still can work :)
Now I'm at Sg. Petani, my hometown as I apply leave for 3 days (Wednesday until Friday) to have a rest & spend valuable time with my family, coz now cuti sekolah & university, so all my younger bro. & sis. are at home. I really need a rest from my work I think & I hope I can continue performing well after the holiday hehe..
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
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