Instructions: Answer the Current Obsession category and then explain WHY you chose that response.
Book: Buku catalogue IKEA.. hehehee.. (sangat sangat obsess yerrr.. huhu.. almaklumla giler nak hias rumah katanyerrr..)
Snack: apa2 snack pun I suker.. especially time lapor.. heeee..
Restaurant: Restoran apa ntah yg kat Alam megah Shah Alam tu, I selalu panggil Restoran Merah.. hehehe.. *matila, kasi nama sendirik* coz I can find almost all types of food here..
Beverage: Nescafe ais & tembikai laici (no specific reason, I just like it!)
Actor: Jensen Ackles (Supernatural.. OMG!! He’s so sexy!! Heee..) Woohoo!!!
HOT!! HOT!! Hehehe.. :P
Actress: Angelina Jolie (coz her new movie is coming out!! Heh..)
Movie: Avatar (I can watch it again & again & again.. Woohoo!!)
TV show: Now I’m so obsess with Supernatural ahahahaha!! Well, u know why.. heeee..)
Hobby: Dancing & disco’ing in the car
Band: takder..
Song: Hush hush by Pussy Cat Dolls (I keep listening to this song in the car yesterday & today.. ngeeee..)
Meme: Meme apa? Tak paham lah!!
Blog: All blogs that are listed in my blog..
Lover: Lover? Are u kiddin’ me?! Proceed to another question pleaseee.. !! Heeee..
Friend: My best friend eva, Guchik!! ;-)
Quote: You want it, you go for it!!
Peeve: Do I need to answer this? Hmm.. no need la hor.. :P
Sport: Bodyjam (ehehehe.. tak kire nak jugak!!)
Singer: Beyonce (I like her attitude & voice)
Ok! That's all!!
P/S: Sape baca ni, secara automatiknyer anda di'TAG'!! Ahahahaha!!
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
sport bodyjam.. hmmm....
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