Spending about 5 hours in IKEA is like heaven on earth yoh!! Me so loikee it!! ;D
Waaaahhh.. makan hati yerrrr tengok! :P
Arrgghhh!! I want this!!! Ngeeee..
Errmmm... so & so only this one..
Wawawawawaw!! Makan hati lagiksss! Hiakkk! :P
My favourite, Ikea Swedish Meat Ball! Yummmyyyy..
This is A MUST okay!!! Daim Chocolate Bar
All about the children world.. so cute! Me loikee this also! ;)
Aiyohh! So PINK!! Me like to see, but don't want a bedroom like this.. sorry.. hiksss
So niceeeeee...
As a result, now feeling so tired & sleepyyyy... *yawninggggg* & 'pokai' also.. Helppppp.. Hiksssss :P
Saturday, January 30, 2010
This is what happen when Zaza hits IKEA
Posted by zarrien08 at 12:34 AM 3 comments
Monday, January 18, 2010
Fitness First Bodyjam 51 Launch
More & more bodyjam 51 launch.. At FF Manulife. I jadi cameraman & observer okeh!! hehehe.. kinda interesting!! ;)
Euuuwww... so scary hor my face.. hehehe.. (At FF Maxis. I did the launch with Sulin.. kinda syiok!!)
At FF IOI.. Did the launch with my ex-head teacher at TF, Jason. Fun class & funny ehehehehe..
Posted by zarrien08 at 10:44 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Meme from Kak Leo.. buat ajerrr.. ;)
Instructions: Answer the Current Obsession category and then explain WHY you chose that response.
Book: Buku catalogue IKEA.. hehehee.. (sangat sangat obsess yerrr.. huhu.. almaklumla giler nak hias rumah katanyerrr..)
Snack: apa2 snack pun I suker.. especially time lapor.. heeee..
Restaurant: Restoran apa ntah yg kat Alam megah Shah Alam tu, I selalu panggil Restoran Merah.. hehehe.. *matila, kasi nama sendirik* coz I can find almost all types of food here..
Beverage: Nescafe ais & tembikai laici (no specific reason, I just like it!)
Actor: Jensen Ackles (Supernatural.. OMG!! He’s so sexy!! Heee..) Woohoo!!!
HOT!! HOT!! Hehehe.. :P
Actress: Angelina Jolie (coz her new movie is coming out!! Heh..)
Movie: Avatar (I can watch it again & again & again.. Woohoo!!)
TV show: Now I’m so obsess with Supernatural ahahahaha!! Well, u know why.. heeee..)
Hobby: Dancing & disco’ing in the car
Band: takder..
Song: Hush hush by Pussy Cat Dolls (I keep listening to this song in the car yesterday & today.. ngeeee..)
Meme: Meme apa? Tak paham lah!!
Blog: All blogs that are listed in my blog..
Lover: Lover? Are u kiddin’ me?! Proceed to another question pleaseee.. !! Heeee..
Friend: My best friend eva, Guchik!! ;-)
Quote: You want it, you go for it!!
Peeve: Do I need to answer this? Hmm.. no need la hor.. :P
Sport: Bodyjam (ehehehe.. tak kire nak jugak!!)
Singer: Beyonce (I like her attitude & voice)
Ok! That's all!!
P/S: Sape baca ni, secara automatiknyer anda di'TAG'!! Ahahahaha!!
Posted by zarrien08 at 2:58 AM 1 comments
Friday, January 8, 2010
Reebok CIRQUE DU SOLEIL Boot.. Oh my.. Oh My..
Oh my.. Isn't that niceeeee... & yummy! hahaha!! :P
Woooooo... see the design!! Hiakkkk!! *I want!! I want!!*
Waaaaaaahhh... OMG!!!
& now I can't breath..! *faint* :P
Posted by zarrien08 at 4:41 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Dinner a.k.a Mini Reunion
I know.. I know.. I should have put this entry earlier. But, I just got all the photos yesterday hehe.. Better late than never rite!! :) Ok, here we go..
Date: 29th December (Tuesday)
Venue: Rebung Restaurant (Chef Ismail & Sheikh Muzaffar), Bangsar
Time: 8.00pm ~ 10.30pm
After didn't see each other for so long, we had our dinner or so called mini reunion. Although only 14 of us turned up that night, we had fun chit-chatting about each other's updates. All of us that night. I'm sure we'll have this kind of reunion again in the future with more people joining.. heeee..
We all laugh a lot during the dinner. Hahaha!!
Our friend Loloe is so busy talking about his mega business.. & everybody were so interested to know about what his business is all about. That includes me as well hahaha!!
Makcik kayo!! Hahahaha!! :P
P/S: This Rebung restaurant is very nice. They serve Malay traditional cuisine buffet style with lots of variety. I propose this restaurant for our mini reunion as I think the food are yummy & the place is quite easy to find. Just behind the Dataran Maybank, Bangsar & nearby the Bangsar LRT station. If u wanna know more about this restaurant, just go to this link: www.Rebung.com.my
Posted by zarrien08 at 3:12 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
2010.. I know it will be a great year
Happy New Year y'all!!
All I can say is, 2010 has been so good to me so far.
Spending time with my best friends (Guchik, Pip & Dba) on the new year's eve. Feels good yoh!! Having late dinner for Guchik & Pip's belated birthday at Restoran Wong Solo, Ampang. They serve Indonesian cuisine.. so delicious!!! *sorry no photo. Got problem to upload photo from my handphone.. huwaaa!!* :P
Movie marathon with da 'gang' on the 1st day of new year!! 4 movies in a day woohoo!! Muallaf, Vampire Assistant, Avatar (3D) & Alvin & the Chipmunks.. ngeeee.. Avatar (3D). I sukerrr sangat citer nieh!! Tapi ada org yang tido yerrr.. huahuahua.. Sape la tu.. heeee..
Makan time.. yeayy!!
Then, to make it even nicer.. a Wii Challenge (event which I'm so looking forward to) So syiok!! I wanna play this again plssss!!! ;-)
Hehehe.. I like the idea of that 'cute Wii certificate'. Can we have this Wii challenge again??.. hhehehee.. ;-) *I really like the dance game!!*
That's it, ooppss.. before I stop, I wanna put this photo of da 'gang' celebrating Kak Az's & my birthday.. heeee.. Sukerr!! ;D
Posted by zarrien08 at 11:39 AM 0 comments