End of year is coming.. so time for a performance review.. aiyohh!!
What would you do if you have to review your subordinate's peformance??.. Be the devil? Or the angel??.. *jeng jeng jeng..* Hehehe.. let me think about it lah!! For the time being, I'll check-check-check it out.. *jadik CSI jap.. heeee..*
A lot of planning for 2010 need to be done as well.. *tapi rasa mcm banyak lagik hal-hal & projek 2009 yang tak settle lagikss!! Camner??..* & thanks to the workload which keeps getting more and complicated each day.. & to make it even worst, my workstation suddenly go insane. Arrrggghhhhh!!! Helppppp!!! *Faint*
P/S: I cried just now after my Isya' prayer (motip nangis tetiber..) Why???.. Coz my brain is sooOOOoooooo sooOOoooo soooOOoooo tired after working non-stop for about 14 hours today.. Stress!! Stress!! Stress!!
*sian Mr. Brain.. nanti kita pi spa berehat no.. sekarang kita kerja dulu okeh!!* <--- ayat untuk legakan hati sendiri.. hehehe..
Angel Number 1818
3 months ago
Kalo evaluate subordinates mungkinn buleh lagi kadik sbjective, tp kalo subordinates merangkap kawan hang camno tu???Dilemaa...Dilemma...
Cheq punrasanya mo kena wat resolution la new year niehh...sedaq tak sedaq dah nak masuk new year no...huhuuhu cepatnya masa berlalu..
2009 has been a sad year for me:((..but think positive, 2010 kita rawk it out hoccay babe???
Yup! Yup! We are so gonna RAWKKK 2010!!! * bagai donia ni aku yg punyaaa!! Wahahahah!!! Errkk!! Tetiber jek.. heee..*
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